Resultate - 2589 Grafts FUE

Result 9 months left outside Result 9 months front Result 9 months right outside Result 9 months donor long hairs Result 9 months front wet hair Compare before and after 6 months Donor 6 months nearDonor 6 Months left nearResult and Donor 6 months rightResult and donor 6 months leftResult 6 months left dry hairs Result 6 months wet and leftResult 6 months hair dry far awayResult 6 months wet near Result 6 month wet front far awayResult 6 months wet 2 Result 6 months wet right Result 6 months dry hairsDonor right 10 days after the operation Donor and recipient directly after the second day Donor 1 day after the operation rightDirectly after the operation 2Directly after the operation frontDirectly after the operation donor far awayDonor directly after the opBefore rightBefore closeBefore leftBeforeBefore the Operation and the plan
Info zu Rasuren

Im Einsatzgebiet können die Haare lang bleiben. Mit der "U-FUE Classic" können alle Haare lang bleiben!

→ "U FUE Classic"

Unsere FUE Preise

FUE ab 3 Euro pro Graft!

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